You can run then Tiger with qemu-system-ppc -L pc-bios -boot d -M mac99 -m 512 -hda example. You could also use a sparse (bundle) disk image with QEMU (you'll then be able to natively mount it within the host) but that requires a bit of setup and a script. 100M with the size you want (at least 3.0GB to install Tiger according to Apple, probably about 10GB to be safe).example.img with the path you want to store your disk image in.CUDA driver update to support CUDA Toolkit 9.2, macOS 10.13.6 and NVIDIA. To create the a hard disk image, run qemu-img create -f qcow2 example.img 100M The NVIDIA GeForce 7950 GX2 architecture allows two graphics processing units. Then run brew install qemu (which already contains the PowerPC part). You'll need to install homebrew, a package manager for Mac OS X/OS X/macOS. Unix with X11 (Linux i386/x8664/ppc, NetBSD 2.x, FreeBSD 3.x) Mac OS X (PowerPC and Intel) Windows NT/2000/XP BeOS R4/R5 (PowerPC) Some of SheepShavers features. Note that QEMU can also emulate Mac OS X 10.0 up to 10.5.At some point in the near future hopefully, QEMU. In 2016, QEMU could finally achieve what has never been possible before: emulating Mac OS 9.0.4, 9.1 and 9.2.2 (albeit still its quite slow and the sound support is kind of buggy at the moment). It is now possible to emulate PowerPC for Mac OS 9.2.2 through 10.5 via QEMU: and. QEMU is a very versatile and extremely broadly supported open source virtual machine emulator.